Saturday, January 24, 2009


Hey all, I've been thinking. This blog will of course provide information on upcoming Twilight events and news, but it kinda needs something else to do aswell. I was thinking something like a monthly debate on different Twilight topics as one, but I could use a few other ideas too. Though there aren't many people who are visiting this blog on a regular basis yet, if you are passing by and happen to have any suggestions, feel free to comment.

I also wanted to point out for any Twilight fans who haven't yet gotten the news, Twilight comes out March 21st.


Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Awesome Twilight Links

Hey all, as you might have noticed, I have added my favorite Twilight links. I have also provided in that list my favorite bookstore sight (yes you can buy books online from them), and the links for a few stores that carry Twilight stuff (again, it is possible to order online).

As you can see, my list is pretty short. If you have any great Twilight sites, let me know in the comments area. I will check them out and add them to my list.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The First Post

    Hello all, welcome to my blog. This is a spot where my coven and others can come to obsess over the amazing new phenomenon: Twilight. Okay, so maybe it's three years old, but still, good things never die right? (Especially vampires who happen to be immortal). Seeing as this is my first post, I don't have much in the way of juicy gossip, but I wanted to give the blog a kick start anyway.
    So, I have one thing to ask of you before you finish with your obsessing and return to your tedious and repetitive life in the mortal world; a place that has Forks, but no vampires :( . At the bottom of this totally awesome and somewhat blank blog page, there is a multiple choice survey for people to take. It would mean a lot, especially since we all have those wonderful lives that we can't wait to get back to.
    Thanks for visiting and taking the time to read this too long blog entry,