Saturday, January 24, 2009


Hey all, I've been thinking. This blog will of course provide information on upcoming Twilight events and news, but it kinda needs something else to do aswell. I was thinking something like a monthly debate on different Twilight topics as one, but I could use a few other ideas too. Though there aren't many people who are visiting this blog on a regular basis yet, if you are passing by and happen to have any suggestions, feel free to comment.

I also wanted to point out for any Twilight fans who haven't yet gotten the news, Twilight comes out March 21st.


1 comment:

  1. Hey There Katie-Lyn,

    Your dad gave me your address! You've done a great job getting this set up!!!

    As for ideas on things to post... Maybe post something about who should play specific characters in New Moon. I know that's causing quite an uproar around the net.

    Oh, another great site you could add to your links is: They post some cool things there.

    :) great job on the blog! I love the colors and such.

    ~Ahnyx~ (Krystal Gladeau)
